How I understand this question is following; as we know from the CMB power-spectrum at the large l power spectrum does go to zero (i.e., we're looking in the past or say early epochs of the universe) because that time, photon and matter (i.e., Baryons) were tightly coupled and moved together as a single fluid. see the below power-spectrum
In reality recombination doesn't happen instantaneously and photons execute a random walk during this phase. That means photons travel a finite distance between scatterings and after each collision the photon will continue in some arbitrary direction. The resulting effect is that these diffused photons travel from hot to cold regions. Perturbations with wavelengths which are shorter than the photon mean path are damped that means as the photons random walk through the baryons, hot & cold regions are mixed. So in simple words we can say that the damping is the process that reduces some of the CMB-Anisotropies.
I hope this will helpful.