My background is not in meteorology, but I am interested in climate models of tidally-locked planets of red-dwarf stars. I recently found a great review of different conditions on such planets modeled by 3D GCM models in Chen et al. 2019. Among other things, I was trying to extract information about the precipitation in the substellar point. However, they do not list the precipitation, but only vertically integrated precipitable water in the substellar point (Figure 5c).
I understand that the integrated precipitable water is total mass of the water vapour that could precipitate. Is there a relationship from which it would be possible to deduce the precipitation from the precipitable water? I was tempted to compare the number with the precipitable water on Earth, but then I figured out this could be very misleading, because on Earth there is a diurnal cycle, which forces the water vapour to precipitate, while on the tidally-locked planet there is not.
Answer about the precipitation in the substellar point from a different source would also be very helpful.