I've been looking at David Tong's Lectures on String Theory.
He states that the low-energy effective action of the bosonic string is given by $$S=\frac{1}{2k_0^2}\int d^{26}X\sqrt{-G}e^{-2\Phi}\Big(\mathcal{R}-\frac{1}{12}H_{\mu\nu\lambda}H^{\mu\nu\lambda}+4\partial_\mu\Phi\partial^\mu\Phi\Big)\tag{7.16}$$
If this expression is related to the Polyakov action $$S=-\frac{1}{4\pi\alpha'}\int d^2\sigma\sqrt{-g}g^{\alpha\beta}\partial_\alpha X^\mu\partial_\beta X^\nu \eta_{\mu\nu}\tag{1.22}$$
then should it also have a minus sign at the front?
I ask this because if there is a minus sign in front of (7.16) then the kinetic and potential terms of the dilaton field $\Phi$, including the interaction term with the Ricci scalar, have the correct sign for a scalar lagrangian given David Tong's choice of signature $(-1,+1,+1,...,+1)$.
One can argue that the overall sign of the action doesn't matter but in the second paragraph of section 7.3.1 Tong himself worries about the sign of the kinetic term for $\Phi$. Is he wrong to be worried?