In this video professor V. Balakrishnan talks about conservation of angular momentum and it's implications, etc. (See from 2:23 to 9:25) Then he goes on to show how Newton's third law guarantees the conservation of angular momentum.
But a quick search over here gives the following question:
In the answer there Emilio Pisanty says (a portion of full answer:
You are correct in your assertion that pairs of charged point particles can interact magnetically in ways that seemingly violate Newton's 3rd law, and therefore also seem to violate the conservation of both linear and angular momentum. This is a fundamental result and it is the decisive (thought) experiment which forces us to change our viewpoint on electrodynamics from something like
charged particles interact with each other
to a field-based one that says
charged particles interact with the electromagnetic field.
What this means, and the key point here, is that
- the electromagnetic field should be considered as a dynamical entity of its own, on par with material particles, and it can hold energy, momentum, and angular momentum of its own.
Since he says "electromagnetic field should be considered as a dynamical entity of its own". Does that mean that the two particle system isn't a closed one? If not why not?
Can this happen for a single particle i.e., to say that the particle spontaneously transfers it's momentum to the EM field and hence after some times lose the momentum? If not why not?
I just want to know how this single particle setup might be different from two particle ones?