Im currently trying to understand the form of the 4 point function in CFT, i.e. how to derive equation 4.62 in Di Francesco et al. In particular, the coefficients of the $x_{ij}=|x_i-x_j|$. For four scalars $O_i(x_i)$ with dimensions $\Delta_i$, I know the general form should be:
$$<O_1(x_1)O_2(x_2)O_3(x_3)O_4(x_4)>=\frac{f(u,v)}{x_{12}^a x_{13}^b x_{14}^c x_{23}^d x_{24}^e x_{34}^f}$$
with $u$ and $v$ the crossing ratios, based on rotation and translation invariance. Scale invariance gives $$a+b+c+d+e+f=\Delta=\Sigma_{i=1}^4 \Delta_i,$$ then special conformal invariance gives me 4 more equations similar to those in 4.59 of Di Francesco et al for the 3 point function, leaving me with 5 equations on 6 unknowns that i can't solve uniquely. Am i missing something?