I have taken IV measurements for several LEDs and now need to calculate their injection efficiencies.
I understand that the injection efficiency:
$\eta_{pn} = I_{D}/I$
Where $I$ is the total current flowing (operational current?):
$ I = I_{D0}e^{q(V-IR_{S})/m_{D}k_{B}T} + I_{R0}e^{q(V-IR_{S})/m_{R}k_{B}T}$
Where $I_{D}$ is the diffusion/radiative recombination current, and $I_{R}$ the non-radiative recombination current with the zero subscript denoting saturation values, $R_{S}$ being the series resistance of the device and $m_{D}$, $m_{R}$ being the ideality constants of the device.
I think that the above values can be gained by analysis of the I-V and ln(I)-V graphs, however am struggling to reproduce the measured IV characteristic curve by plugging in the numbers I determined into the above equation.
From the above, I found $R_{S} \approx 28.34 \Omega$ and $R_{P} \approx 376 \Omega$, $m_{D} \approx 3.95$ and $m_{R} \approx 8.70$; the idealities seem very high, compared to the ideal values of 1 and 2, respectively. Furthermore, the values of $I$, $I_{D}$ and $\eta_{pn}$ calculated gave ridiculously high values.
My questions are whether my method here is correct; what values are realistic for the ideality factors and also what value one should expect to end up with for injection efficiency?