There's a common saying in the domain of the study of classical relativistic strings, that in the limit of a very short string, the action reduces to that of a point particle (there is for instance a sketch of a proof in Barbashov). I've been trying to show it.
Consider the Nambu-Goto string action in Minkowski space:
\begin{equation} S = -T \int_{t_a}^{t_b} \int_{0}^{2\pi} d\tau d\sigma \sqrt{(\dot{X}^\mu(\tau,\sigma) X'_\mu(\tau,\sigma))^2 - (\dot{X}(\tau,\sigma))^2 (X'(\tau,\sigma))^2 } \end{equation}
We want this in the limit that $\sigma_2 \to \sigma_1$, let's say for instance replacing $[0, 2\pi]$ by $[0, \lambda 2\pi]$. Obviously this does nothing but give us $S = 0$, so first we have to change the action very slightly. Take our tension $T$. As it is a tension, we can express it in terms of a linear mass density. We'll choose to express it as
$$T = \frac{mc}{\int_{0}^{2\pi}d\sigma} = \frac{mc}{l}$$
For any fixed $\lambda > 0$, this doesn't change our dynamics. So we can say get it parametrized by $\lambda$:
$$T_\lambda = \frac{mc}{\int_{0}^{\lambda 2\pi}d\sigma} = \frac{mc}{l_\lambda}$$
with $l_\lambda = \lambda 2\pi$.
Let's consider our parametrized action now:
\begin{equation} S = -\frac{mc}{l_\lambda} \int_{t_a}^{t_b} \int_{0}^{\lambda 2\pi} d\tau d\sigma \sqrt{(\dot{X}^\mu(\tau,\sigma) X'_\mu(\tau,\sigma))^2 - (\dot{X}(\tau,\sigma))^2 (X'(\tau,\sigma))^2 } \end{equation}
By manipulating it somewhat, we get
\begin{equation} S = -\frac{mc}{l_\lambda} \int_{t_a}^{t_b} \int_{0}^{\lambda 2\pi} d\tau d\sigma \sqrt{(\dot{X}(\tau,\sigma))^2} \sqrt{\frac{(\dot{X}^\mu(\tau,\sigma) X'_\mu(\tau,\sigma))^2}{(\dot{X}(\tau,\sigma))^2} - (X'(\tau,\sigma))^2 } \end{equation}
Using the mean value theorem, there exists a $\sigma^* \in [0, \lambda 2\pi]$ such that
\begin{equation} S_\lambda = -\frac{mc}{l_\lambda} \int_{t_a}^{t_b} d\tau \sqrt{(\dot{X}(\tau,\sigma^*))^2} \int_{0}^{\lambda 2\pi} d\sigma \sqrt{\frac{(\dot{X}^\mu(\tau,\sigma) X'_\mu(\tau,\sigma))^2}{(\dot{X}(\tau,\sigma))^2} - (X'(\tau,\sigma))^2 } \end{equation}
From the mouth of Goto himself, the second integral is nothing but the length of our string at a time $\tau$. We can then rewrite the action as
\begin{equation} S_\lambda = -mc \int_{t_a}^{t_b} d\tau \sqrt{(\dot{X}(\tau,\sigma^*))^2} \frac{L_\lambda(\tau)}{l_\lambda} \end{equation}
From the fundamental theorem of calculus, this is just
\begin{eqnarray} \frac{\int_0^{\lambda} f(\sigma) d\sigma}{\lambda} &=& \frac{F(\lambda) - F(0)}{\lambda} \end{eqnarray}
for which the limit should just be $f(0)$, in other words:
$$\lim_{\lambda \to 0} \frac{L_\lambda(\tau)}{l_\lambda} = \sqrt{\frac{(\dot{X}^\mu(\tau,0) X'_\mu(\tau,0))^2}{(\dot{X}(\tau,0))^2} - (X'(\tau,0))^2 }$$
If this quantity is a constant $C$, lucky us we get
\begin{equation} \lim_{\lambda \to 0} S_\lambda = -Cmc \int_{t_a}^{t_b} d\tau \sqrt{(\dot{X}(\tau,0))^2} \end{equation}
Which would indeed be the correct action. But unfortunately I'm not sure how to show this. For a start, things get tricky assuming Neumann boundary conditions. Is there a way to show that this quantity indeed converges to a proper finite, non-zero limit?