Here's a silly idea : take the action of a free particle,
$$S = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} \dot{x}^2 dt$$
Our configuration space is the space of $C^1$ functions over $[t_1, t_2]$, which is spanned by the Fourier series
$$x^a(t) = \sum c^a_n e^{i\frac{2\pi n t}{T}}$$
So that every path is represented by some series of vectors $c^a_n$. The time derivative is the series
$$\dot{x}^a(t) = \sum_n \frac{2\pi n}{T} c^a_n e^{i\frac{2\pi n t}{T}}$$
By Parseval's theorem, we get
$$S = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} \dot{x}^2 dt = \sum_n \|\frac{2\pi n}{T} c^a_n\|^2 $$
Can we show, without using variational methods, that a straight line is the least action? Using the boundary conditions, we can say that (rescaling our time for simplicity)
\begin{eqnarray} x^a(0) &=& \sum c^a_n = x^a_0\\ \dot{x}^a(0) &=& \sum n c^a_n = v^a_0 \end{eqnarray}
Obviously what we'd like is that our path is a straight line, which is equivalent to the sawtooth function, so that our extremal coefficients should be something similar to
\begin{eqnarray} c^a_0 &=& x^a_0\\ c^a_n &=& \Theta(n)(-1)^{n+1}\frac{i}{2}\frac{v^a}{n} \end{eqnarray}
Can the least action in this case be proven from this?