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Is written "for mathematicians", i.e. with high mathematics precision (for example, with less emphasis on obscure definitions such as "virtual displacements").
However, it must not assume graduate-level mathematics such as differential geometry.
$\begingroup$Check out Schaum's Theory and Problems of Theoretical Mechanics. It might not do for a comprehensive book, but it certainly does not waste any time.$\endgroup$
$\begingroup$If you really think that Landau & Lifshitz (LL) vol 1 'deals with diff. geometry' (as you say in a comment to aignas's answer), then no, the kind of book you are looking for doesn't exist. LL only use what used to be called 'advanced calculus', and it is not possible to do 'analytical mechanics' with less math than that. (Mind you, I would not recommend LL as a first book on analytical mechanics. OTH, Spivak's book mentioned above is excellent, though you'll have to stop with Lagrangian mech. if you really want to avoid diff. geometry, which does get used in the chapter on Hamiltonian mech.)$\endgroup$
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If you are a mathematician the book, even though it is a bit old fashioned, "A treatise on analytical dynamics of particles and rigid bodies" by E.T. Whittaker, Cambridge University Press would be found useful.
Try "Classical Dynamics", 5th edition by Stephen Thornton and Jerry B. Marion and you would not regret it.
$\begingroup$Well not all the chapters. However, you can skip the differential geometry bits and then come back later on, when you feel like doing differential geometry. This will be a very useful book in the future if you plan to study physics later on.$\endgroup$
$\begingroup$@RS One can say many things about Landau and Lifshitz (LL), but that they write 'with high mathematics precision' (as the OP requests) is definitely not one of them. The tone is set in Eq. (4.3), where they write v^2 = (dl/dt)^2=(dl)^2/(dt)^2. I am not sure if this can be made mathematically precise even using hyperreal numbers.$\endgroup$
$\begingroup$More nontrivially, many derivations use non-obvious tricks that LL don't really justify or explain how general they are; you just sort of have to 'assimilate' such reasoning and, in time, hopefully become adept at it. A paradigmatic example of all that is their treatment of the Mathieu equation, (27.8). Finally, numerous moderately nonobvious statements are just asserted without explanation (a hallmark of LL). The LL texts are definitely a treasure trove of insight, but, IMHO, one that is best approached only after first learning much of the material elsewhere.$\endgroup$
$\begingroup$At the same time, if one really thinks that Landau and Lifshitz vol.1 'deals with differential geometry', then the answer to OP's question is that there simply isn't a book of the sort OP is asking for, nor could there ever be. (In fact, the mathematics in LL vol. 1 never goes beyond undergraduate mathematics: what used to be called 'advanced calculus', linear algebra, and differential equations, with a tiny bit of complex analysis.)$\endgroup$