I've successfully derived every coefficient, but not the one that has $j=0$. Starting from $|J=2,M=2⟩$ and applying $J_{-}$ we derive $|2,1⟩$ and $|2,0⟩$ and using orthonormality (and the Condon-Shortley convention) we can obtain $|1,1⟩$ and $|1,0⟩$.
The "difficulty" lies in obtaining $|0,0⟩$, because now I have to impose 2 conditions of orthonormality, one for $|2,0⟩$ and the other for $|1,0⟩$.
My professor proposed to use $$J_{-}|0,0⟩$$ because it makes everything more compact, the two conditions of orthonormality in one expression. (Applying $J_{-}$ to $|0,0⟩$ gives you zero)
How is it possible to get the coefficients for $|0,0⟩$ with this method? I have tried but failed.