Consider the system of equations formulated in a previous question (optical fibers continuity of tangent field components across the core-cladding interface):
$$ \left\{ \begin{array}{c} e_z^{(1)}(r,\phi)|_{r = a} = e_z^{(2)}(r,\phi)|_{r = a}\\ e_{\phi}^{(1)}(r,\phi)|_{r = a} = e_{\phi}^{(2)}(r,\phi)|_{r = a}\\ h_z^{(1)}(r,\phi)|_{r = a} = h_z^{(2)}(r,\phi)|_{r = a}\\ h_{\phi}^{(1)}(r,\phi)|_{r = a} = h_{\phi}^{(2)}(r,\phi)|_{r = a} \end{array} \right. $$
Its determinant should be $0$, to obtain a non-trivial solution for the unknown amplitudes $C_1$, $C_2$, $D_1$, $D_2$. According to Maxwell's equations, $e_{\phi}$ and $h_{\phi}$ depend on the derivative of $e_z$ and $h_z$ with respect to $r$ and $\phi$. Books use some tricks to avoid having a function of $\phi$ in the computation of these derivatives. See for example John A. Buck, Fundamentals of Optical Fibers, which assumes (Table 3.2):
$$A(\phi) = \cos (\nu \phi), \ \mathrm{for} \ e_{\phi}\\ A(\phi) = \sin (\nu \phi), \ \mathrm{for} \ h_{\phi}$$
The resulting eigenvalue equation is:
$$\left[ \frac{J'_{\nu}(k_{c_1} a)}{k_{c_1}a J_{\nu}(k_{c_1} a)} + \frac{K'_{\nu}(|k_{c_2}| a)}{|k_{c_2}|a K_{\nu}(|k_{c_2}| a)} \right] \left[ \frac{n_1^2}{n_2^2}\frac{J'_{\nu}(k_{c_1} a)}{k_{c_1}a J_{\nu}(k_{c_1} a)} + \frac{K'_{\nu}(|k_{c_2}| a)}{|k_{c_2}|a K_{\nu}(|k_{c_2}| a)} \right] = \nu^2 \left( \frac{1}{k_{c_1}^2 a^2} + \frac{1}{|k_{c_2}|^2 a^2} \right)\left( \frac{n_1^2}{n_2^2} \frac{1}{k_{c_1}^2 a^2} + \frac{1}{|k_{c_2}|^2 a^2}\right)$$
Consider instead (respectively for the Electric and Magnetic fields)
$$A(\phi) = C_3 \sin(\theta) + C_4 \cos(\theta) = C' \cos (\nu \phi + \alpha)\\ A(\phi) = D_3 \sin(\theta) + D_4 \cos(\theta) = D' \cos (\nu \phi + \beta)$$
(in fact, according to this answer, $A(\phi) = A \sin(\theta) + B \cos(\theta)$ can be re-written as $A'\sin(\theta+\rho)$ or $A'\cos(\theta+\alpha)$). In the most general case, $\alpha \neq \beta$.
1) How would the eigenvalue equation be in this more general case?
2) Is there any textbook dealing with this computation?