The Wilson line in Abelian Chern-Simons theory is
$$\langle\exp\left(i\int dt\dot{x}^{\mu}A_{\mu}\right)\rangle=\int\mathcal{D}A\exp\left(i\int dt\dot{x}^{\mu}A_{\mu}+\frac{i}{4\pi}\int A\wedge F\right).$$
The above path-integral is Gaussian and can be solved. I want to generalize this on a worldsheet, but I don't know much about string theory.
Let $B_{\mu\nu}$ be a $2$-form field, and $H_{\mu\nu\rho}$ is a $3$-form field such that $H=dB$. $B$ and $H$ are defined in the target space.
Does it make sense to write the following action,
$$\int dzd\bar{z} B_{\mu\nu}\epsilon^{\alpha\beta}\partial_{\alpha}X^{\mu}\partial_{\beta}X^{\nu}+\int B\wedge H,$$
where $B=B(X)$?