If you are asking about the Coloumb's law for the electric fields, yes, which you can see others' answers.
If you are asking about the Coloumb's law for the electric force,
Maxwell equations do NOT tell you about how the force acting on the charges $q$ or currents $\vec{J}$.
Simply speaking, to FULLY understand classical E&M (i.e. one can determine the physics from a initial value problem to determine all its consequences - physics is all about to determine/predict the future), you need BOTH:
(1) Maxwell's equations
(2) Lorentz force law (Newtonian mechanics, E&M equivalence of Newtonian gravitation force.)
Punch line I: (1) and (2) are absolute different things.
Lagrangian and variational principle E.O.M. viewpoint
However, if you start from a Lagrangian viewpoint, writing down the action:
S=\int (-\frac{1}{2} |f|^2 + A \wedge *J)=\int d^3xdt (-\frac{1}{4} f_{\mu\nu} f^{\mu\nu} + A_\mu J^\mu)
with the 2-form field strength $f_{\mu\nu}=\partial_\mu A_\nu-\partial_\nu A_\mu$ gives you E and M fields, you can determine Maxwell's equation from the equations of motions(E.O.M.) by doing the variation principle on the 1=form gauge field $A$. The source is a 1-form current $J=(\rho,\vec{J})$.
Maxwell's equations: E.O.M. respect to varying 1-form gauge field $A$
You obtain Maxwell equations by varying $A$:
d*F=J \;\;\;\text{-Gauss law for electricity, Maxwell-Ampere's law}
dF=d^2A=0 \;\;\;\text{-Gauss's law for magnetism, Maxwell–Faraday equation}
How about the Lorentz force law? You can do variation respect to the spatial coordinate $x^\mu=(t,x)$, and you need to specify which massive particle with mass $m$ experiencing the force $F$, which is $F=m \ddot{\vec{x}}$ by Newtonian mechanics. To specify massive particle in the Lagrangian/action, you just need to add its kinetic energy $\frac{1}{2}m \dot{\vec{x}}^2$.
Lorentz force law: E.O.M. respect to varying spacetime coordinates $x^\mu=(t,x)$
S=\int d^3xdt (-\frac{1}{4} f_{\mu\nu} f^{\mu\nu} + A_\mu \wedge J^\mu+\frac{1}{2}m \dot{\vec{x}}^2) \to \int d^3xdt (+ q\Phi - q \dot{\vec{x}} \cdot \vec{A}+\frac{1}{2}m \dot{\vec{x}}^2)
you will derive Lorentz force law
m \ddot{\vec{x}}=q\vec{E}+q \dot{\vec{x}} \times \vec{B}
Punch line II: The action and Variational principles are very powerful to unite (1) Maxwell's equations and (2) Lorentz force law, in the same framework.