Say I'm in a completely dark room, I'm facing a wall, and there's a tiny red spot right in front of me on the wall. I use a button to turn on the only light source in the room which is a tiny light bulb on the wall to my right.
I can now see the red spot right in front of me. Clearly, there's no path such that a photon leaves the light bulb, bounces on the red spot, and enters my eyes, as the angle of incidence when a photon from the lightbulb strikes the red spot is not $90°$. So the photon must bounce around the room before the photon strikes the red spot such that, with keeping angle of incidence equal to angle of reflection, it strikes my eyes.
Such a trajectory of the photon is hard to imagine -- if the red spot is truly directly in front of me, it seems to me that to get the right angle, many of the photons that do eventually enter my eye must bounce off of my face to get the right angle. Does that seem right?
Also, doesn't the photon lose some of its energy with each bounce? If $E = hf$, and it's losing it's energy with each bounce, doesn't that keep changing $f$? Doesn't that mean that not only the material, but the number of bounces of the photon is affecting the color we see? How many times can a photon bounce before it ceases to exist, or, $E = hf = 0$?