Contact transformations were discovered by Sophus Lie in the 19th century. Within this context, an infinitesimal homogeneous (time independent) contact transformation:
\delta q^i = \frac{\partial H}{\partial p_i}\delta t,\qquad \delta p_i = - \frac{\partial H}{\partial q^i}\delta t
is a coordinate transformation that leaves the system of equations:
\Delta =
dp_1 ,\dots,dp_n\\
dq^1 ,\dots,dq^n
\end{vmatrix} =0,\qquad \sum_ip_idq^i =0
invariant [1]. In this context, we can interchange contact with canonical according to Qmechanic's answer.
In the context of differential geometry, we make a distinction between symplectic transformations on $dim(2n)$ symplectic manifolds and contact transformations on $dim(2n+1)$ contact manifolds. This extends the time independent formulation into an extended phase space (time dependent). [2]
We must now take care on how we use the phrase contact.
In both symplectic and contact frameworks, we can define a canonical structure
\theta = pdq, \qquad \Theta = pdq-Hdt
respectively, that becomes invariant under their respective transformations.
[1] The infinitesimal contact transformations of mechanics. Sophus Lie. 1889. Translated by D. H. Delphenich.
[2], Contact Hamiltonian Mechanics, Alessandro Bravetti, Hans Cruz, Diego Tapias, 2016.