I am confused about mean values and order parameters in specifically Ginzburg-Landau Theory. From what I have read$^1$ the order parameter is in general given by: $$\phi=\left<m\right>_\beta\tag{1}$$ where $m$ is some quantity which is not invariant under the spontaneous symmetry we are looking to break.
Example: For the phase transition in Liquid-Crystals we often take $Q=\left<n_in_j-\delta_{ij}/3\right>_\beta$ as the order parameter.
The partition function is then given by: $$Z=\int \mathcal{D} \phi e^{-\beta F[\phi]} \tag{2}$$ where $F[\phi]$ is the free energy.
(A) On One Hand
It is said that the order parameter $\phi$ goes to zero in the unordered phase and non-zero in the ordered phase. This indicates that the average in (1) is needed - else this statement would depend on the specific configuration which due to thermal fluctuations changes.
(B) On the Other Hand
Putting expression (1) into (2) makes little sense - you are effectively taking a thermal average twice.
Thus my question is as follows: Am I missing something which means that (A) and (B) are actually compatible with one another. Or is it the case that in (2) we actually have an unthermal averaged version of the order parameter - if this is the case when we say 'order parameter' is it common to mean the averaged or unaveraged version.
$^1$ Source not publicly available - I will try and look for one.