Is there any useful results, or even any meaning to integration over a space of functionals? For example, consider $$\int\mathcal{D}S\,e^{-Z[S]},$$ where $Z[S]=\int\mathcal{D}\phi\,e^{-S[\phi]}$ is the partition function of a (Euclidean) quantum field theory with action $S[\phi]$. Such an expression would perhaps carry some fundamental problems like
- Would it converge for general $Z[S]$? (I think not)
- What does it even means?
- Is it at least well-defined?
We could take our wisdom from (ordinary) path integrals and try to remediate problem 1 by taking quotients, like $$\frac{\int\mathcal{D}S\,e^{-Z[S]}S_{\text{Some action of interest}}[\phi]}{\int\mathcal{D}S\,e^{-Z[S]}},$$ but the expression still looks either useless, meaningless, or hopelessly complicated. So, is there any meaning to these "higher order" functional integrals?
Edit: One could go more general and define $\int\mathcal{D}S\,W[S]$, for arbitrary $W[S]$, but I think the above less general expression may be a better entry point in thinking about usefulness, e.g. In some very non-rigorous way it's like a quotient of QFTs.