Consider the following Feynman diagram:
I've read that it will have associated with it one integral over the loop. The issue is, in Schwartz book the Feynman rules for momentum space are:
- Internal lines get propagators;
- Vertices get factors of $i\lambda$;
- Lines connected to external points get nothing;
- Momentum is conserved at each vertex;
- Integrate over undetermined 4-momenta;
Now in this diagram I let $p_1$ be the incoming momentum on the left and $p_2$ the outgoing momentum on the right.
If in the loop I assign a counterclockwise momentum $k$, we must have at the vertex $p_1 - p_2 - k = 0$ so that $k = p_1-p_2$. In that case, $k$ is not undetermined.
I would guess by these rules that the amplitude is
$$i\mathcal{M}= (i\lambda)\dfrac{i}{k^2-m^2+i\epsilon}=(i\lambda) \dfrac{i}{(p_1-p_2)^2-m^2+i\epsilon}$$
but searching the internet it seems that the correct form would be
$$i\mathcal{M}=(i\lambda)\int \dfrac{i}{k^2-m^2+i\epsilon}d^4k,$$
but $k$ is not undetermined momentum, so why integrate over it following this set of rules?
What is actually the right viewpoint on this diagram?