Focusing on the theory of your specific case, and avoiding the more general discussions, here is how one could derive the Hamiltonian after a change of (curvilinear) coordinates. The beauty of Lagrangian mechanics is that it is covariant with respect to any change of coordinates, both related to inertial and non-inertial alike. This fact comes from the principle of least action formulation. If $L$ is the Lagrangian of a system (the Lagrangian doesn't have to be unique; as long as the critical value equation is the same for two different Lagrangians, they describe the same dynamics) the action functional associated with $L$ is
$$S[q] = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} L\big(q(t), \dot{q}(t), t\big) dt$$ for curves $q(t)$ defined for $t\in [t_1,t_2]$ such that $q(t_1) = q_1$ and $q(t_2) = q_2$ are two fixed points. Then for an arbitrary one parameter family of curves $q(t,s)$ (the so called variation of the curves) fixed at $q_1$ and $q_2$ we get
$$S[q](s) = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} L\big(q(t,s), \partial_t {q}(t,s), t\big) dt$$ so the critical curves, which are the trajectories of the dynamics, should satisfy the "zero functional gradient" condition, also known as principle of least action
$$\delta S[q] = \frac{\partial}{\partial s} \, S[q](s)\,{\Big|_{s=0}} = 0$$ which is equivalent to the Euler-Lagrange equations
$$\frac{d}{dt}\, \left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}\big(q,\dot{q},t\big) \right)= \frac{\partial L}{\partial {q}}\big(q,\dot{q},t\big) $$ Therefore, if you change the coordinates $q,t$ to $Q,\tau$ of the integral one-form
${L}\big(q,\dot{q},t\big)dt$ to obtain a new one form $\tilde{L}\big(Q,\dot{Q},\tau\big)d\tau$, where $\dot{Q} = \frac{d Q}{d\tau}$, the integral and thus $ S[q] = S[Q]$ so $\delta S[q] = \delta S[Q] = 0$ which means that the equations $$\frac{d}{dt}\, \left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}\big(q,\dot{q},t\big) \right)= \frac{\partial L}{\partial {q}}\big(q,\dot{q},t\big) \,\,\, \text{ and } \,\,\, \frac{d}{d\tau}\, \left(\frac{\partial \tilde{L}}{\partial \dot{Q}}\big(Q,\dot{Q},\tau\big) \right)= \frac{\partial \tilde{L}}{\partial {Q}}\big(Q,\dot{Q},\tau\big) $$ describe the same solutions but in different coordinates and possibly parametrized differently. In your case however, $\tau = t$ so it is enough to change the variables from $q$ to $Q$, while keeping the time $t$ parametrization the same, of the Lagrange function ${L}\big(q,\dot{q},t\big)$ to obtain the Lagrange function $\tilde{L}\big(Q,\dot{Q},t\big)$ in the new coordinates.
In your case the change of variables is $Q = f(q,t)$, so $$\dot{Q} = D_q f(q,t) \dot{q} + \partial_t f(q,t)$$ thus
$${L}\big(q,\dot{q},t\big) = \tilde{L}\Big(f(q,t),\, D_q f(q,t) \dot{q} + \partial_t f(q,t), \, t\Big)$$ The Euler-Lagrange equations with $L$ turn into the equations with $\tilde{L}$ and you are done (of course, you are allowed to manipulate the new Lagrangian $\tilde{L}$ by integrating by parts in the action $S[Q]$, if possible, to get an equivalent Lagrnagian, but that is not necessary).
Now, the Hamiltonian picture. Recall the duality between Lagrangians and Hamiltonians:
{L}\big(q,\dot{q},t\big) &= p\cdot\dot{q} - H\big(q,p ,t\big)\\
\tilde{L}\big(Q,\dot{Q},t\big) &= P\cdot\dot{Q} - \tilde{H}\big(Q,P,t\big)
\end{align*} Since $${L}\big(q,\dot{q},t\big) = \tilde{L}\big(Q,\dot{Q},t\big) = \tilde{L}\Big(f(q,t),\, D_q f(q,t)\dot{q} + \partial_t f(q,t), \, t\Big) $$ we get that
$$ p\cdot\dot{q} - H\big(q,p ,t\big) = P\cdot\dot{Q} - \tilde{H}\big(Q,P,t\big)$$ Moreover, for the conjugate momenta we have
p &= \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}\big(q,\dot{q},t\big)\\
P&=\frac{\partial \tilde{L}}{\partial \dot{Q}}\big(Q,\dot{Q},t\big)
\end{align} so for $p$ we have
$$p =\frac{\partial}{\partial \dot{q}} L\big(q,\dot{q},t\big) = \frac{\partial}{\partial \dot{q}} \tilde{L}\Big(f(q,t),\, D_q f(q,t)\dot{q} + \partial_t f(q,t), \, t\Big) = \Big(D_qf(q,t)\Big)^*\frac{\partial \tilde{L}}{\partial \dot{Q}} = \Big(D_qf(q,t)\Big)^* P$$ where the $*$ superscript means transposed of the linear transformation $D_qf(q,t)$ so $$P = \Big(D_qf(q,t)^*\Big)^{-1} p$$ Thus
p\cdot\dot{q} - H\big(q,p ,t\big) &= P\cdot\dot{Q} - \tilde{H}\big(Q,P,t\big)\\
&= \Big( \, \Big(D_qf(q,t)^*\Big)^{-1} p \Big) \cdot\Big( D_q f(q,t)\dot{q} + \partial_t f(q,t)\Big) - \tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t),P,t\Big)\\
&= p \cdot\Big( \big(D_qf(q,t)\big)^{-1} \big(\, D_q f(q,t)\dot{q} + \partial_t f(q,t) \, \big)\Big) - \tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t),P,t\Big)\\
&= p \cdot\Big(\dot{q} +\big(D_qf(q,t)\big)^{-1} \partial_t f(q,t) \, \big)\Big) - \tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t),P,t\Big)\\
&= p \cdot \dot{q} + p \cdot \Big(\big(D_qf(q,t)\big)^{-1} \partial_t f(q,t) \, \big)\Big) - \tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t),P,t\Big)\\
&= p \cdot \dot{q} - \Big[ \, \tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t),P,t\Big) - p \cdot \Big(\big(D_qf(q,t)\big)^{-1} \partial_t f(q,t) \, \big)\Big) \, \Big]
\end{align} which after cancelling the common terms $p\cdot \dot{q}$ on both sides of the equation yields $$ H\big(q,p ,t\big) = \tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t),P,t\Big) - p \cdot \Big(\big(D_qf(q,t)\big)^{-1} \partial_t f(q,t) \, \big)\Big)$$
$$\tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t),P,t\Big) = H\big(q,p ,t\big) + p \cdot \Big(\big(D_qf(q,t)\big)^{-1} \partial_t f(q,t) \, \big)\Big)$$
$$\tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t), \big(D_qf(q,t)^*\big)^{-1} p, t\Big) = H\big(q,p ,t\big) + p \cdot \Big(\big(D_qf(q,t)\big)^{-1} \partial_t f(q,t) \, \big)\Big)$$ $$\tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t), P, t\Big) = H\big(q,p ,t\big) + \Big( \big(D_qf(q,t)^*\big)^{-1} p \Big) \cdot \Big(\partial_t f(q,t) \, \big)\Big)$$ $$\tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t), P, t\Big) = H\big(q,p ,t\big) + P \cdot \Big(\partial_t f(q,t) \, \big)\Big)$$ This is where the link between the two Hamiltonians come from. One can phrase it in terms of generating functions of canonical transformations. Let $G(q,P,t) = P \cdot f(q,t)$. Then $$Q = \frac{\partial G}{\partial P}\big(q, P, t\big) = f(q,t)\, ,\,\,\,\,\,\, p = \frac{\partial G}{\partial q}\big(q, P, t\big)$$ $$\frac{\partial G}{\partial t}\big(q,P,t\big) =
\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \big( P \cdot f(q,t) \big) = P \cdot \partial_t
Thus the identity between the two Hamiltonians becomes
$$\tilde{H}\Big(f(q,t), P, t\Big)
H\Big(q, \frac{\partial G}{\partial q} ,t\Big) +
P \cdot \Big(\partial_t f(q,t) \, \big)\Big)$$
$$\tilde{H}\left(\frac{\partial G}{\partial P}, P, t\right)
H\left(q, \frac{\partial G}{\partial q} ,t\right) +
\frac{\partial G}{\partial t}$$
In your case $Q = f(q,t) = q - x(t)$ so
$$G\big(q, P, t\big) = P \cdot \big(q - x(t)\big) =
P \cdot q - P \cdot x(t)$$ and thus $$P = p \,\,\,\, Q = q - x(t)$$
Let me put $m=1$ for simplicity.
The original Hamiltonian is $$H = \frac{1}{2} p^2 +
V\big(q-x(t)\big)$$ and
$$\frac{\partial G}{\partial t} =
\frac{\partial }{\partial t} \, P \cdot \big(q - x(t)\big)
= - P \cdot \dot{x}(t)$$
Thus $$\tilde{H} = \frac{1}{2} P^2 +
V\big(Q\big) - P \cdot \dot{x}(t)$$ which yields the Hamiltonian
\dot{Q} &= P - \dot{x}(t)\\
\dot{P} & = - \nabla\, V(Q)
\end{align*} so
$$\ddot{Q} = \dot{P} - \ddot{x}(t) = - \nabla\, V(Q) - \ddot{x}(t)$$
$$\ddot{Q} + \ddot{x}(t) = - \nabla\, V(Q) $$ which hare the
Euler-Lagrange equations of the Lagrangian
$$\tilde{L} = \frac{1}{2}\big(\dot{Q} + \dot{x}(t)\big)^2 - V(Q)$$