Possible Duplicate:
Travelling faster than the speed of light
Someting almost faster than light traveling on something else almost faster than light
I've got two questions which are related and I've always wondered about and got no answer for. (I'm not a physics student and know only basic physics, so the easier explanation the better)
- Two cars traveling at 60km/h in opposite direction. The speed observed by an onlooker is 60 km/h for each car. If you are in the car, the observed speed of the other car is 120km/h. Correct?
We say that speed of light is the fastest you can travel. In the car example (ok, maybe spaceships to be a little more realistic) if they both travel in the speed of light or near. They will observe the speed of light * 2
Is this possible? or is the actual highest velocity speed of light /2
- Similar reasoning, if you are in a train travelling in the speed of light, then you are unable to walk forward in that train, since you can't travel faster than the speed of light?