I'm really new to quantum computation. Now, I'm going through a tutorial article Quantum Computation: a Tutorial (NB: PDF). I was confused by certain points over there.
So, on page 5, when the author was talking about the Bloch sphere, it mentioned the correspondences was pictured in the figure, where the index $s$ indicates spherical coordinates; index $c$ indicates 3-dimensional coordinate; and index $\mathcal{H}$ indicates coordinates in $\mathcal{C}^{2}$. My question is: how does the index $s$ and index $\mathcal{H}$ correspondence to each other?
Then, the author continues with talking about the three canonical "orthogonal" bases for a quantum bit, as the basis along $z$, the basis along $x$ and the basis along $y$ with the hadamard gate as an example. I do not get here either.
After digging a bit for hadamard gate, I found that, based on the book, this single quit gates correspond to rotations and reflections of the sphere. "The Hadamard operation is just a rotation of the sphere about the $\hat{y}$ axis by 90 degree, followed by a rotation about the $\hat{x}$ by 180 degree." So, I kindof understand the basis along $z$, basis along $x$ and basis along $y$. Still, any comments are greatly appreciated.