First of all, there's no such thing as a spacelike world line. A world line is a succession of causally connected events, and you can't have causal connection between two events that are spatially separated. It's the line that traces a particle's motion through space time. If it could connect spatially separated events, then the effect could precede the cause.
You can think about it another way: consider two events of the world line, A and B, with their respective light cones. If B occurs some time later than A, then B's future lightcone is completely contained inside A's (and viceversa, A's past lightcone is contained inside B's past cone).
Same thing (not coincidental) happens with proper time, it's only defined for timelike separations. That's because the proper time between two intervals is the time measured in a frame of reference where the two events happen in the same place. That means that in that frame those two events have zero spatial separation and are therefore time separated. And given that the interval is Lorentz invariant, they are time separated in every frame of reference.
So, without a world line and without a notion of proper time, you can't have a 4-velocity.