In the book "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory" by M.E. Peskin and D.V. Schroeder in page $107$, they calculate the differential cross section for two particles $A$ and $B$ with initial energy $E_A$, $E_B$ and momentum $p_A$, $p_B$ to scatter and become particles $1$ and $2$ with final momentum $p_1$, $p_2$, in the center of mass. They come to this relation
$$\left(\frac{dσ}{dΩ}\right)_{CM}=\frac{1}{2E_A2E_B\vert υ_A-υ_B\vert}\frac{\vert\textbf{p}_1\vert}{(2π)^24E_{cm}}\vert M(p_A,p_B\rightarrow p_1,p_2)\vert^2\qquad\quad(4.84)$$
where $υ_A-υ_B$ is the relative velocity of the beams as viewed from the laboratory frame, $E_cm$ is the energy of the system in the center of mass and $M(p_A,p_B\rightarrow p_1,p_2)$ is the invariant matrix element of the process.
Then the authors make the hypothesis that the four particles have identical mass and this formula reduces to $$\left(\frac{dσ}{dΩ}\right)_{CM}=\frac{\vert M\vert^2}{64π^2E^2_{cm}}\qquad\quad(4.85)$$ My question is how did they came to eq. $(4.85)$ with this assumptions. I can not follow the maths.
Any helps?