To a first approximation, radioactivity weakens in the same way in all types of matter, whether solids, liquids, or gases. The only difference is thickness is required to attenuate the intensity of the radiation, and this is largely a function of the density of the material. The particles making up the radiation (helium nuclei for alpha, electrons for beta, and photons for gamma) lose energy by colliding with atoms. Radiation particles collide with atoms more often in denser materials, so they lose more energy in less distance. The shielding for such radiation is often lead (Pb), not because there's anything special about the material, but because it's one of the densest cheap materials there is, so you don't need a large volume. If you want to use less dense aluminum, you need the same mass to provide the same shielding as lead, so a much thicker block of aluminum is required.
For your game, given a certain radioactive source you have two variables determining for how quickly radiation damages PC or NPC: distance and shielding.
Say you have a rock made of radioactive ore sitting on the ground. The further away the character is, the safer they are. Specifically, the amount of damage done falls off as the square of the distance (double the distance is one-fourth the damage rate). So,
$$D \propto \frac{1}{r^2}$$
where $D$ is the rate of damage, $r$ is the distance from the source to the character, and $\propto$ means "proprotional to."
Second, shielding attenuates radiation in an exponential fashion.
$$D \propto e^{-k\rho{}x}$$
where $e$ is ~2.718 (the natural logarithm base), k is a constant dependent on the radiation type, $\rho$ is the density of the shielding material, and $x$ is the distance the radiation travels through--that is, the thickness of the shielding. If you have more than one shield material, you can get the average density by weighting the density of each shielding type:
$$\rho_{avg} = \frac{\sum_i \rho_ix_i}{\sum_i x_i}$$
where $\rho_i$ is the density of the $i^{th}$ material and $x_i$ is the thickness of the $i^{th}$ material. For example, if there is 2 meters of air and 2 cm of lead between the radiation source and a character, the average density of the shielding is
$$\frac{\rho_{air}(2 m) + \rho_{lead}(0.02 m)}{2.02 m}.$$
In total, the rate a radioactive source damages a character is given by
$$D = A\frac{e^{-k\rho x}}{r^2}$$
where $A$ is a constant indicating the inherent radioactivity of the rock, which is a function of how much radioactive material there is and how often its atoms decay.
There are a lot more details that could be discussed (the many ways radiation loses energy, how different materials modify the exponential falloff, etc.), but for making a game, I think this simple model should suffice.