Let's suppose that I'm singing for 10 minutes and I obviusly produce some sounds, and let's imagine that I hold an instrument for measuring the amount of sounds produced within that period of time. I'm not interested in its intensity or quality.
Or, by analogy, let's call "x" the value of the unit of measurement and "y" the quantity I need to measure, so as to convey a proposition like->
"I obtain x (unit of measurement) in 10 minutes".
So, for instance, If y is the distance, x may be the km, so I may say -> - "I run 2 km in 10 minutes"
If y is the quantity of sound, how should I call x here and how should I express such value -> - *"I produced ... x in 10 minutes"* ...?
Which is the unit of measurement for the quantity of sound produced in a specific period of time?