Few weeks ago an article on Nautilus was published on Neutron stars. After reading that, a question was asked by a friend of mine. He asked if matter in neutron star would be able to transfer electricity as he thought that since neutron stars have no electrons, they should not be able to conduct electricity. My answer based on whatever little I know about it was as follows:
IIRC, by definition if there is no charge (electrons i.e.), there will be no electric current, so there won't be any electrical conduction, however, you could transport other quantities such as spin. At a given point you should have a fermi gas (if diluted enough) or a fermi liquid depending on the number of protons of electrons at that specific time. However, let's assume you can apply a voltage in order to induce a current. You'll have two problems, the charges will radiate and lose kinetic energy and they will interfere with each other via coulomb interaction. In a solid, the electrons are not the charge carriers. The charge carriers are quasi-particle electrons that only exists due to the presence of the lattice and there is screening due to the core electrons and that is why in many cases you can consider them as a non-interacting electron/hole gas. In a real electron gas the coulomb interaction is long range and there will be radiation due to the voltage. So, if you sum this with the fact that the mean time this proton-electron pair is probably very small I would say the conduction should be close to zero on a bulk scale. But again they transport neutrons. Although, for me it is quite interesting neutron transport, because it can be related to spin-transport which is something I am interested in. That is what I think matters should be, unless I don't remember some details or/and have some fundamental misunderstandings in this regard. I think this paper should clear up some doubts regarding this.
I would like to know from experts at Physics StackExchange if what I have replied as an answer to him is correct, or are there some or fundamental misunderstandings on my part (if any). Have I missed some points which should have been stated with lucidity? I apologize in advance if this question has been asked here before me. Regards!