The Bogoliubov - de Gennes equation has a emergent particle-hole symmetry:
$$ \mathcal{P}H\mathcal{P}^{\dagger} = -H\text{.} $$
My question is now what happen to the Nambu spinor:
$$ \mathcal{P}\begin{pmatrix} u_{\uparrow}\left(\vec{k}\right) \\ u_{\downarrow}\left(\vec{k}\right) \\ v_{\uparrow}\left(\vec{k}\right) \\ v_{\downarrow}\left(\vec{k}\right) \\ \end{pmatrix} = \text{?} $$
and to the Bogoliubov quasiparticle operator:
$$ \mathcal{P}\gamma_{\vec{k}\sigma}\mathcal{P}^{\dagger} = {P}\left(u_{\vec{k}\sigma}c_{\vec{k}\sigma} + \sigma v_{-\vec{k}-\sigma}c_{-\vec{k}-\sigma}^{\dagger}\right){P}^{\dagger} = \text{?,} $$
where $c_{\vec{k}\sigma}$ is a annihilation operator for a electron.
From QFT I know that charge conjugation transform a fermion with momenta $\vec{k}$ and spin $s$ to a antifermion with momenta $\vec{k}$ and spin $s$. But in the Dirac spinor the spin and momenta will flip. Is this in the case of a superconductor the same. i.e.
$$ \mathcal{P}\begin{pmatrix} u_{\uparrow}\left(\vec{k}\right) \\ u_{\downarrow}\left(\vec{k}\right) \\ v_{\uparrow}\left(\vec{k}\right) \\ v_{\downarrow}\left(\vec{k}\right) \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} v_{\downarrow}\left(-\vec{k}\right) \\ v_{\uparrow}\left(-\vec{k}\right) \\ u_{\downarrow}\left(-\vec{k}\right) \\ u_{\uparrow}\left(-\vec{k}\right) \\ \end{pmatrix}^{\star} $$
but what is with the Bogoliubov operators?