I am writing an application that should allow to view and manipulate spectra (Raman).
I am only given one normal spectrum consisting of 1024 coordinate points. Plus I have a background spectrum that is supposed to be subtracted from the first spectrum.
The first point in spectrum_1 is: -55.988 , 9373 The according point in background spectrum: -55.988 , 9382. After subtracting the two in a third-party software, the first point of the resulting spectrum is: -55.988 , -641.968
So I asked myself how this is calculated. According to the Documentation of this software, it is using the following formula:
result spectrum(n) = multiple component spectrum(n)
– Factor1 * single component spectrum (n)
– Factor2 * single component spectrum (n)
Unfortunately I can't do anything with it. What is meant by "component spectrum(n)"? Is it the Spectrum equation? Also what could the both factors be and what does the (n) mean?
Here is an image of all three spectra that are involved in the calculation.
Here is an image of all three spectra that are involved in the calculation.
From Top to bottom:
- First spectrum
- Background spectrum
- The resulting spectrum after the subtraction
I simply can't imagine or reproduce the calculation that leads to this result.
Any help and/or advice is welcome. I am highly willing to learn and understand so please don't hesitate to share some links or other references that could help.
Thanks in advance, BC++