From Schwartz's QFT textbook, under Ch.18, Mass renormalization, Schwartz introduces a new LSZ formula with renormalized Green's function. He states that the new LSZ formula for QED, with pole mass $m_p$, is $$ \langle f|S|i\rangle = (\not\!{p_f} - m_p)\dots (\not\!{p_i} - m_p) \langle\psi^R\dots\psi^R\rangle_{\text{amputated}} $$ where amputated diagrams signify external lines chopped off until they begin interacting with the other fields.
But don't we get amputated diagram after we apply the $(\not\!{p_j}-m_p)$ onto the Green's function to project it to $S$-matrix? I don't understand why external lines are already 'amputated' even before applying $(\not\!{p_j}-m_p)$.
Also, another side question, is pole mass defined to be physical mass by definition? I don't understand what forces pole mass to be the actual observable physical mass.