I am making a game that involves spaceships and I was building an engine block. That engine block spawns a "thruster fire" under it that represents the...thruster fire.
My question revolves around the physics engine that my editor uses. You don't need to know anything about it except that it simulates 2D physics.
If I apply a force to propel the ship from the engine block, it behaves a certain way. But if I apply the force on the "thruster fire" block, the pivot changes and the ship flies in a slight but different angle.
In which block would it make more sense / be more realistic to apply the thruster force? I have barely any physics knowledge to decide myself. A short argument to why said answer for others that might stumble here would be appreciated.
I don't know how relevant it is, but its in space. No gravity or air friction involved. There is no structure stress within the ship due to the force being applied in peripheric parts of it. Its for a game :)