The Poincare metric of AdS_3 is given by $ ds^2 = \frac{R^2}{z^2}(dz^2 - dx_0^2 + dx_1^2)$. Using the coordinate transformation $\rho = \log(z)$, we can write this as, $ds^2 = R^2 (d\rho^2 + e^{-2 \rho} (-dx_0^2 + dx_1^2))$.
Now if I want to show that some other space time is asymptotically AdS, I should expect the metric to agree in the limit $\rho \to -\infty$ which is the limit $z \to 0$. Is that right?
(Nb: I am trying to show that BTZ metric is asymptotically AdS).