AMPS paper [1] proved that black hole complementarity explanation of blackhole paradox requires there is a "firewall": high-energy wall which destroys everything entering event horizon.
However, I'm confused how "firewall" explains the following setup:
- lets assume that are two entangled particles Bob and Alice
- black hole event horizon is created in space between these two particles
- Bob is now behind black hole event horizon while Alice is outside
- Now black-hole evaporates and you have again Alice entangled with more than two particles
So how "firewall" solves this?
UPDATE: Here is my thought experiment how to create black hole by horizon appearing - not growing. Lets assume that is absolutely nothing around Bob. Then you can create light rays pointing to Bob from far far away. If you have enough of these light rays, you will create event horizon around Bob before light rays even reach Bob. So Bob will not be swallowed by growing event horizon and event horizon will just appear around Bob.