Yesterday I asked a question on calculating the eccentricity of an exoplanet only knowing the radial velocity vs. phase graph an the mass of the star (question). The answer I got helped me a lot, but there is still a problem I can't really solve. Rob Jeffries gave a step-by-step solution on calculating the eccentricity. I can calculate the eccentric anomaly using this formula:
$$M(t) = E(t) - \epsilon\sin{E(t)}$$
And this is solvable using the Newton-Raphson method which I think I know how to use. However, this requires me to know the eccentricity which I don't know yet. Later in his answer he explains how find the eccentricity by fitting a function to the graph, but this requires me to know the eccentric anomaly at any given time, which seems paradoxical to me. How is this done?