In Perkin's book Particle Astrophysics (page 144): I do not understand how one comes to the following expression (the second equality with $r$) for the Helium mass fraction due to the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis:
$$Y= \frac{4N_\text{He}}{4N_\text{He}+N_\text{H}}= \frac{2r}{1+r} $$ where $r=N_\text{n}/N_\text{p}$.
The first equality follows from the fact that He is (approximately) 4 times heavier than H: $$Y = \frac{m_\text{He}}{m_\text{He}+m_\text{H}}= \frac{4N_\text{He}}{4N_\text{He}+N_\text{H}}.$$
However I can't derive the second equality relating $Y$ to $r$:
$N_\text{He}= 2N_\text{p} + 2N_\text{n}$ and $N_\text{H}= N_\text{p} + N_\text{n}$
$$Y= \frac{4N_\text{He}}{4N_\text{He}+N_\text{H}}= \frac{8(N_\text{n}+N_\text{p})}{9(N_\text{n}+N_\text{p})}\quad???$$