I have seen on this site some questions regarding the nature of gravitational-force, and the ways in which it could be interpreted. Most of them mention that the space-time fabric came into existence due to the big-bang. But I cannot understand why it came into existence during the big-bang, and had no earlier existence. Also, how should I develop my notion regarding the form of a gravitational-singularity? My current concept holds it that a gravitational singularity, is a compact-clump of spatial and temporal curves, where laws of Classical Physics are rarely(?) valid. But more often, I "like" to compare a garvitational-singularity with a huge go-down of energy, that is longing to burst open, and thus, maximize its entropy, and minimize its energy. If in-any way my current-notion is to a-certain degree acceptable, would it then be correct for me to guess that "minute"(?)-fabrics of space-time come into existence whenever there is a conversion of matter into an equivalent amount of energy, according to Einstein's equation E=m.(c^2) ?
Please take care of the fact that I am a high-school student-with a corresponding limited-knowledge on Physics, and especially, Quantum-Mechanics.