Motivation : Here is a motivation as to why this problem is so important.
Let $f(t)$ be an audio signal. We can safely asume it to be bandlimited to 0-20kHz as we cannot hear anything above that. Capture this signal in digital computer with appropriate sampling frequency and denote it as $f[n]$.
Now take Discrete Hilbert transform of $f[n]$ to get $f_h[n]$, (using the code $f_h$ = imag(hilbert(f)); in Matlab).
Compute the signal $f_{\theta}[n] = f[n]\cos\theta + f_h[n]\sin\theta$ for any value of $\theta$, then listen to the signal with different values for $\theta$.
They all sound exactly identical.
Similarly our $MI_{\omega_0,\omega_1}(t)$ is same for all $f_{\theta} = f\cos\theta + f_h\sin\theta$, for any value of $\theta$.
Question :
just try it. $<f,f_h> = 0$, they why do they produce same effect in the listner? Is it some quantum mechanical effect gone wrong?
Added :
Also see this metric space : metric space
I've recently filed a patent using this metric with a slight change, instead of arccos i used sqrt(2(1-cos(theta))), which makes it a Hilbertian metric. I had then embedded this metric space into an Hilbert space isometrically, to model using vectors.
MATLAB code :
[f,fs] = wavread('audio_file.wav');
fh = imag(hilbert(f));
theta = pi/4;
f_tht = fcos(theta) + fhsin(theta);