In Wald's General Relativity, he writes on pg 61
For an observer with 4-velocity $v^a$, the component $T_{ab}v^a v^b$ is interpreted as the energy density, i.e. the mass-energy per unit volume, as measured by the observer.
However, if we use this with the stress tensor for dust $$T_{ab}=\rho_0 u_a u_b,$$
we get $$T_{ab}v^a v^b= \rho_0 u_a u_b v^a v^b = (\rho_0 u_a v^a) (\rho_0 u_b v^b)/\rho_0 = U^2/ \rho_0$$
where I assumed $U=- \rho_0 u_b v^b$ is the energy density (since $E= - m_0 u_a v^a $).
What am I missing here?