I have two powerful rare earth magnets, that are separated by a distance of 1 mm. I applied energy to bring them closer to each other, hence increasing the potential energy. Now, when one of the magnets is released(other is fixed) there is acceleration, with time force = 0 since the gap(D) is increased, yet there is massive kinetic energy. Assuming from position X( where the air gap is 1 mm) we could calculate the repulsive force, knowing m of course.
From the initial acceleration we could calculate the time + velocity, since the distance is known as well. Can the KE of that moving magnet being repelled be calculated?
This magnet is easily moved around (attached with wheels & low friction), and the force is known over certain positions, beyond those points F = 0 since D is very large, and there is no magnetic force being applied yet we know acceleration = 0. But there is kinetic energy? I'm a bit confused as to what might happen. Can anyone explain with great detail of the outcome of such an experiment?