I am reading the paper on the $c$-theorem [1:Zamolodchikov 1986] and the entropic $c$-theorem [2:Casini, Huerta 2006].
Q1. What do you mean by "monotonically decreasing under RG flow"?
I am unclear on the specific dependencies of the c-function.
According to a review article [3:Nishioka 2018], Zamolodchikov's c-function satisfies the following properties:
- It takes the same value as the central charge $c$ of the CFT corresponding to each fixed point of RG flows: $$ c(\tau, g)|_{g = g_\text{CFT}} = c. $$
- It monotonically decreases along any RG flow: $$ \tau \frac{\mathrm{d} c(\tau, g)}{\mathrm{d}\tau} \leq 0. $$
- It is stationary only at the fixed points: $$ \left. \frac{\partial c(\tau, g)}{\partial g} \right|_{g = g_{\text{CFT}}} = 0. $$
I don't understand the derivative on the left-hand side. I understand that the RG flow $g = g(\tau)$ is generated by $\beta$-function as $$ \tau \frac{\mathrm{d}g(\tau)}{\mathrm{d}\tau} = \beta(g(\tau)) \quad \text{(RG flow)}. $$ I think the left-hand side of the inequality $$ \tau \frac{\mathrm{d} c(\tau, g(\tau))}{\mathrm{d} \tau} = \tau \frac{\partial c(\tau, g(\tau))}{\partial\tau} + \tau \frac{\mathrm{d}g(\tau)}{\mathrm{d}\tau} \frac{\partial c(\tau, g(\tau))}{\partial g} $$ is always zero by definition since $c$ is a well-defined observable independent of the cutoff $\tau$ given by hand, or, in other words, by the renormalization equation $$ \tau \frac{\partial c(\tau, g(\tau))}{\partial\tau} = - \tau \frac{\mathrm{d}g(\tau)}{\mathrm{d}\tau} \frac{\partial c(\tau, g(\tau))}{\partial g} \quad (\text{RG for } c). $$ Is the derivative only the first partial term? If so, "the monotonicity of c-function under RG flow" means that the quantity above is non-positive, right?
Q2. Why can one say that the monotonicity of $C(R)$ leads to monotonicity under RG flow?
In [2], we have an inequality $C'(R) \leq 0$ for $C(R) := 3RS'(R)$. By dimensional analysis, $R$ in $C(R)$ always appears with $\tau$ as $\tau R$, which means $$ \tau\frac{\partial C(R, \tau, g(\tau))}{\partial \tau} = R\frac{\partial C(R, \tau, g(\tau))}{\partial R}. $$ So, we have the monotonicity under RG flow in the same sense as Q1, right?