Show that Einstein's equation $$G^{\mu\nu}=R^{\mu\nu}-\frac12\mathcal{R}g^{\mu\nu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T^{\mu\nu}\tag{1}$$ can be written in the form $$R^{\mu\nu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}\left(T^{\mu\nu}-\frac12\mathcal{T}g^{\mu\nu}\right)\tag{2}$$ where $\mathcal{T}=g_{\alpha\beta}T^{\alpha\beta}=T_{\alpha}^\alpha$
Some quantities were not defined in this question. I have no doubt that most of you know what they are, but just in case, $R^{\mu\nu}$ is the Ricci tensor, and the scalar curvature $\mathcal{R}=g^{ab}R_{ab}$, $G^{\mu\nu}$ is the Einstein tensor and $T^{\mu\nu}$ is the energy-momentum tensor.
The way I would tackle this question is to multiply $(1)$ by $g_{\mu\nu}$ and contract, which is equivalent to taking the trace, from this approach $(2)$ can swiftly be obtained. However, that is not how the author presents the solution and is causing me confusion.
This is how the author tackled this question:
From Einsteins's equation $$G^{\mu\nu}=R^{\mu\nu}-\frac12\mathcal{R}g^{\mu\nu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T^{\mu\nu}\tag{A}$$ Lower the $\nu$ index: $$R^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\nu}-\frac12\mathcal{R}\delta_\nu^\mu=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\nu}\tag{B}$$ Contract $\mu$ and $\nu$ indices $$\left(1-\frac12 4\right)\mathcal{R}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T^\mu_{\,\mu}\tag{C}$$ $[\cdots]$
I don't need to write more of the solution since direct substitution yields the required $(2)$. My sole concern in this post is to figure out how the author obtained $(\mathrm{B})$. Put another way, how did the author "lower the $\nu$ index"?
The following manipulations are the only way I can think to get from $(\mathrm{A})$ to $(\mathrm{B})$, so starting with $(\mathrm{A})$, I'm trying to get factors of the form $R^\alpha_{\;\beta }$ (where the second index is now 'lowered'). To try to accomplish this I multiply first by the inverse metric and then by the type $(1,1)$ metric:
$$R^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\sigma}\,g^{\sigma\,\nu}-\frac12\mathcal{R}g^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\rho}\,g^{\rho\,\nu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\gamma}\,g^{\gamma\,\nu}$$ $$R^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\sigma}\,g^{\sigma\,\epsilon}\,g_{\epsilon}^{\,\,\,\nu}-\frac12\mathcal{R}g^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\rho}\,g^{\rho\,\eta}\,g_{\eta}^{\,\,\,\nu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\gamma}\,g^{\gamma\,\beta}\,g_{\beta}^{\,\,\,\nu}$$ $$\stackrel{\color{red}{?}}{\implies}R^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\sigma}\,\delta^{\sigma\,\nu}-\frac12\mathcal{R}g^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\rho}\,\delta^{\rho\nu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\gamma}\,\delta^{\gamma\nu}$$ $$\implies R^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\nu}-\frac12\mathcal{R}g^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\nu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\nu}$$
The last equation is the closest I can get to the author's eqn. $(\mathrm{B})$.
Continuing anyway, and contracting (setting $\mu=\nu$) yields: $$R^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\mu}-\frac12\mathcal{R}g^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\mu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\mu}$$ and assuming $g^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\mu}=4$ by the Einstein summation convention since $\mu,\,\nu = 0,1,2,3$ then $$\mathcal{R}-\frac12\mathcal{R}\times 4=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}\mathcal{T}\tag{3}$$
Where the last equation is the equivalent of eqn. $(\mathrm{C})$.
The problem is that I am doubtful that the manipulations used to reach equation $(3)$ are legitimate (flagged with a question mark above the implication sign).
In arriving at $(3)$ I have assumed the following:
- $g^{\sigma\,\epsilon}\,g_{\epsilon}^{\,\,\,\nu}=\delta^{\sigma\,\nu}$
- $g^{\rho\,\eta}\,g_{\eta}^{\,\,\,\nu}=\delta^{\rho\,\nu}$
- $g^{\gamma\,\beta}\,g_{\beta}^{\,\,\,\nu}=\delta^{\gamma\,\nu}$
- $g^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\mu}=4$
I'm questioning $1.$ to $3.$ since I am only acquainted with the fact that $g_{ab}\,g^{bc}=\delta^c_a$ - where the two metric tensors are of type $(0,2)$ or $(2,0)$, but for the implication (with the red question mark above) to hold this needs to be true for a type $(1,1)$ metric tensor. Is this true?
For $4.$ I am aware that $\delta^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\mu}=\delta^{0}_{{\,\,\,}0}+\delta^{1}_{{\,\,\,}1}+\delta^{2}_{{\,\,\,}2}+\delta^{3}_{{\,\,\,}3}=4$, but does the same logic hold for $g^{\mu}_{{\,\,\,}\mu}=4$?
Final remarks:
I'm sure you are itching to downvote this and/or request for it to be closed and migrated to Mathematics-StackExchange. So let me briefly justify why I purposely chose to ask this question here instead. The reason is that I am trying to avoid the geometrical formulation of tensors, as a physicist and a beginner to tensors I read this post and like the OP there I don't want to be bombarded with expressions like $(\mathbf{v} \otimes \mathbf{w})_{ij}$ which will only confuse me more than I already am.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.