Given that $$|\vec{g}|=\frac{GM}{|\vec{r}|^2}$$ and $\vec{g}$ always points to the Earth's center of mass, can the "almost parabolic" elliptic trajectory be derived provided the initial velocity $\vec{v(0)}$ of a rigid body launched into the air?
The answers to this question touch on this matter when explaining the intuition: Throwing a Football. Is it truly parabolic?
However, the answers to that question only seem to consider derivations with respect to a parabolic approximation (I'm referring to the math and not the intuition; one of the answers does indeed provide intuition about the elliptic trajectory)
I'm already quite comfortable with the oversimplified version of translational kinematics which treats the direction of $\vec{g}$ as though the Earth were flat, and I know how to perform the derivations. I imagine the derivations for the true, accurate non-flat Earth are a lot more mathematically challenging, but if I'm pointed in the right direction I may be able to calculus myself through the rest of the derivation.