There is a great error or misconception of the nature of light since Plancks days: When Einstein conjectured, that light comes quantized in particles in 1909, Planck replied, that the young man was a bit too fast with his theoretical projections.
Planck was right: he only assumed, that in the exchange process of energy-momentum-spin between a enumerable mechanical system, e.g. an electron bound to an atom, and the electromagnetic field in a box, occurs in integer packets in the purely geometric physical entities, energy, momentum and spin.
There is a fundamental difference between the enumerable massive charged particles and the assumed photons, the exchange quanta with the abstract quantized em-field of the environment.
Fermions obey the Pauli principle and therefore, even if identical and indiscernible, can be enumerated and there always will be a 1-1 map between occupied 1-particle states in an product representation and the enumeration particle list.
The electromagnetic field on the other hand, is present everywhere, acts as a whole on all massive charged particles as the same field and can be represented as an infinite sum over all classical modes $(\omega=|k|,\vec k)$ for any representation at hand and suitable to fit geoemetry.
The quantized Fourier mode in a basis, free for a choice to fit boundary conditions in a experimatally fixed geometry, have no reality during free time evolution, they do not interact and any of the denumerable modes can be created in an infinite integer ladder of energy steps of $\bar \omega$.
This property is the fundamental for the freedom of basis transforms of the mode space in a given geometry.
This picture, that light is a classical wave, acting as an environmental medium, with integer quantized energy and spin ladders, has been developed over time during the 1950ties, but never reached the high school physics.
Still up today you will find denumerably infinite web pages discussing particle-wave duality and the abstruse question which slit a photon is taking: If there is a slit, the fundamental modes of the field all have a this slit boundary condition with the geometric consequences observable at any harbour with a bulwark or two openings: The quantized modes all have to have a zero at the wall.
If one is using wrong, nonfitting boundary conditions, by the completness of any mode Hilbert space, its possible to expand a single eigen mode with slit into an infinite convergent sum eg of free waves. But that approximation is useless, it converges in theory only. There is a general theorem, that says that single mode expansion with wrong boundary conditons converge as 1/n only, which is useless for finite approximations.
The QED industry has invested billions of dollars during the last century to explain any classical em-wave-electron by exchange of photons, culiminating in all the nonsense published about Casimir forces.
So, for the interpretation of the Hertz dipol, write down the electron surface field in a conductor at the thermodynamic Fermi level on the antenna and set up the classical Maxwell electromagnetic field equations with a conducting cylinder in the center, that is: normal E is charge density, tangent B is current density.
Use elliptical coordinates, a fixed frequency $\omega$ and divide the field into incoming and outgoing waves their diffences in energy and spin will be coupled somhow to the vacuum impedance of the antenna.
After the classical part is done, the quantization of the two fields eventually can be broken down to the field of a single free electron on a semiconconductor antenna and a 1-photon intensity in the sense of an Aspect scattering experiment.
The Nobel price came for these experimens confirming Plancks original ideas. The one- particle antenna and the single photon exchange with the environmental em field is the theory of the H-atom from the beginning.