I have 3 operators which are generators of $SO(2,1)$. I don't know the expressions of these operators as differential operators, but I know their action on a basis $\left|l',m\right>$:
These relations are quite long, but the shortest one is of the form:
So, in my notation, $C_{01}^{\left(l',m\right),\left(l',m\right)}=\frac{i}{2}\left(l'+m\right)$. $J_{02}$ and $J_{12}$ split a state labeled by $(l',m)$ amongst $(l'-1,m-1)$, $(l',m)$, and $(l'+1,m+1)$, if that is of any importance. These generators satisfy the commutation relations:
\begin{array}{c} \left[J_{01},J_{02}\right]=iJ_{12} \\\ \left[J_{01},J_{12}\right]=iJ_{02} \\\ \left[J_{02},J_{12}\right]=-iJ_{01} \end{array}
Which satisfy $[J_{\mu \nu },J_{\rho \sigma }]=i(\eta_{\nu \rho }J_{\mu \sigma }+\eta_{\mu \sigma }J_{\nu \rho }-\eta_{\mu \rho }J_{\nu \sigma }-\eta_{\nu \sigma }J_{\mu \rho})$ for $\eta$ with the metric $(-,+,+)$.
Question: How can I find the invariant quadratic form, $-x_0^2+x_1^2+x_2^2$, in terms of the coordinates $x$, $y$, and $z$ and possibly other known quantities like momentum or the Pauli matrices from just this information?
Additionally, from this information, can I write the operators $J_{\mu\nu}$ as differential operators?
Further, I know the Hamiltonian of this system, the closed forms of all the basis states, $\left|l',m\right>$, and the larger symmetry group $SO(3,2)\supset SO(2,1)$.
Follow up: The $e_{ij}$ that I found are: \begin{array}{ccc} e_{00}=\mathbf{1}-J_{12}J_{12} & e_{01}=-J_{02}J_{12} & e_{02}=J_{01}J_{12}\\\ e_{10}=J_{12}J_{02} & e_{11}=\mathbf{1}+J_{02}J_{02} & e_{12}=-J_{01}{J_02}\\\ e_{20}=-J_{12}J_{01} & e_{21}=-J_{02}J_{01} & e_{22}=\mathbf{1}+J_{01}J_{01} \end{array}
And if each of these is $e_{ij}=Q_iP_j$, I get 9 equations of the form:
$$f(x_0,x_1,x_2)-J_{12}J_{12}f(x_0,x_1,x_2)=x_0\frac{\partial}{\partial x_0}f(x_0,x_1,x_2)$$