I am trying to understand discrete symmetries in the SM, and I have some troubles in understanding why the CC interaction violates CP. In my (badly written) notes it's said that, taken two fermonic fields $\psi_{i},\psi_{j}$ (with $i,j$ standing for different flavors indices), then
$$\bar{\psi}_{i}A_{\mu}\gamma^{\mu}\psi_{j}\stackrel{CP}{\rightarrow} \bar{\psi}_{j}A_{\mu}\gamma^{\mu}\psi_{i}.$$
In this way the CC interaction transform as
$$\stackrel{CP}{=}\mathcal{L}_{CC}=-\frac{g}{\sqrt{2}}\bigl[\bar{d}_{L}V_{CKM}^{T}W_{\mu}^{-}\gamma^{\mu}u_{L}+\bar{u}_{L}(V^{*}_{CKM})^{\dagger}W^{-}_{\mu}\gamma^{\mu}d_{L}\bigr]$$ so that CP is violated since $V_{CKM}\neq V_{CKM}^{*}$
I am not convinced about the first relation, since as far as I know the vector field should change sign under C while $\bar{\psi}_{i}\gamma^{\mu}\psi_{j}$ should transform as $+\bar{\psi}_{j}\gamma^{\mu}\psi_{i}$ (for a reference take a look in RQM by Greiner), so using the fact that
$$\bar{\psi}_{i}\gamma^{\mu}\psi_{j}\stackrel{P}{\rightarrow}(-1)^{\mu}\bar{\psi}_{i}\gamma^{\mu}\psi_{j}$$ $$W_{\mu}^{\pm}\stackrel{P}{\rightarrow}(-1)^{\mu}W_{\mu}^{\pm}$$
we should have a change of sign. What am I doing wrong?? I also don't know if the coupling constant flips its sign under C or it stays unchanged. Notice that $(-1)^{\mu}$ is intended to be $-1$ for spatial components and $+1$ for the temporal ones.
Is it possible that my notes are confusing the way classical fields transforms with how quantum fields transforms?