I apologize in advanced for how trivial this question will come to many of you. I am in fact not a Mathematician nor physicist, just a math friendly Biologist who needs to understand the transfer matrix method for the 1D Ising Model. I work in research and we have a biophysical model that requires my understanding of this model. I understand that there are interaction energies of nearest neighbor particle spin along the lattice, and the influence of the external field on each particle spin.
Every material I've come across has said to convince yourself of the following: The partition function $Z=\sum_{\{\sigma\}}\prod_{i}^NV(\sigma,\sigma')$ where $V(\sigma,\sigma')=e^{k\sigma\sigma'}e^{\frac{h}{2}(\sigma+\sigma')}$ and $k=\beta J$ (the interaction between particles) and $h=\beta B$ (influence from external field). Then the transfer matrices:
$Z=\sum_{\{\sigma\}}\prod_{i}^NV(\sigma,\sigma') = Tr\begin{pmatrix} V(+1,+1) & V(+1,-1)\\ V(-1,+1) & V(-1,-1) \end{pmatrix}^N$
Ok, so now let's say we only have 3 particles. To prove this to myself I wanted to show that the $2^3=8$ conformations of the system sum up to the same as the transfer matrix method.
So, firstly:
$V(+1,+1) = e^{k+h}\\ V(+1,-1) = e^{-k}\\ V(-1,+1) = e^{-k}\\ V(-1,-1) = e^{k-h}$
So for our system of 3 particles, I have the following 8 states:
$(+1,+1,+1) = e^{2(k+h)}\\ (+1,-1,+1) = e^{-2k}\\ (+1,+1,-1) = e^{h}\\ (-1,+1,+1) = e^h\\ (+1,-1,-1) = e^{-h}\\ (-1,-1,+1) = e^{-h}\\ (-1,+1,-1)=e^{-2k}\\ (-1,-1,-1) = e^{2(k-h)}$
Summing them together: $Z=e^{2(k+h)}+2e^h+2e^{-h}+2e^{-2k}+e^{2(k-h)}$
So for the transfer matrix, I have:
$\begin{pmatrix} V_{\sigma_1,\sigma_2}(+1,+1) & V_{\sigma_1,\sigma_2}(+1,-1)\\ V_{\sigma_1,\sigma_2}(-1,+1) & V_{\sigma_1,\sigma_2}(-1,-1) \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} V_{\sigma_2,\sigma_3}(+1,+1) & V_{\sigma_2,\sigma_3}(+1,-1)\\ V_{\sigma_2,\sigma_3}(-1,+1) & V_{\sigma_2,\sigma_3}(-1,-1) \end{pmatrix}$
This becomes:
\begin{pmatrix} e^{2(k+h)}+e^{-2k} & e^h+e^{-h}\\ e^h+e^{-h} & e^{-2k}+e^{2(k-h)} \end{pmatrix}
Taking the trace of this is clearly not $Z=e^{2(k+h)}+2e^h+2e^{-h}+2e^{-2k}+e^{2(k-h)}$ that I did earlier. But I did notice that the sum of ALL the matrix elements from that product is. I know I am doing something wrong, or not understanding something well. Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.