Let $H = H_0 + H_I$ be a Hamiltonian that is the sum of a free Hamiltonian and an interacting Hamiltonian. Denote the free vacuum state by $| 0 \rangle$ and the full vacuums state by $|\Omega \rangle$. The $S$ matrix is computed as $$\langle p_1\ldots p_n | S | p_{n+1}\ldots p_N\rangle = \langle 0 | a_{p_1}\ldots a_{p_n} S a^\dagger_{p_{n+1}}\ldots a^\dagger_{p_N} | 0 \rangle.$$ However scattering by definition involves interactions of particles, so why does the above use $|0\rangle$ and not $|\Omega\rangle$?
The motivation for this question came from studying the LSZ formula, which relates the $S$ matrix (using free vacuum states) to the Gell-Mann-Low formula (which is defined using the interacting vacuums state).