I understand that we can write any complex wavefunction on polar form $A\exp(iθ)$ with both $A,θ$ real. Following the logic of Griffiths on WKB (here, page 291):
- We write the energy wavefunction in the previous form.
- For $E>V$, we insert the previous form in S.E and demand $A^"=0$. The reason we can do this approximation is because we are lead to equation (8.6), which can give indeed real $A$ for $A^"=0$.
But what happens when $E<V $? In this case if we write again the wavefunction in the form $A\exp(iθ)$ with $A,θ$ real, then we cannot apply $A^"=0$, because equation (8.6) would not be able to give real $A$ (since $p^2$ will now be negative).
So what do we do to overcome this problem for $E<V $?