I am having a few questions about 'flow work' and the First law of thermodynamics when applying to a closed non-stationary system.
I know for a non-stationary close system, say an element(Lagrangian) of fluid, the First law can be written as
i)If the kinetic energy ($KE$) and the potential energy ($PE$) of this element of fluid are negligible then
If we consider the element to undergo an adiabatic process then
Usually, the work W here is taken to be the $PdV$ work (boundary work). But what if the element is incompressible? Then can we substitute the $Vdp$ work here? i.e.
$U = -VdP$
ii) I have read multiple posts that state that Vdp is the flow work. But for a control volume through which mass flow is taking place, we usually call $PV$ the flow-work. What is the difference between the $PV$ flow work and the $VdP$ flow work and why do they have the same name?