A (1,0)-type tensor may be written as $$ V = V^{\mu} e_{\mu} $$ The component transforms as $$ V^{\nu} = A^{\nu}{}_{\mu^\prime} V^{\mu^\prime} $$ (the basis can transform similarly) My question is, what is the justification that the label of $A$ is one upper script and one lower script? In Wald's General relativity p26, the author showed
$$ V^{\mu^\prime} = \sum_{\mu=1}^{n} V^{\mu} \frac{ \partial x^{\prime\mu^\prime} }{\partial x^{\mu}} \qquad\qquad(2.3.6) $$
The term $\frac{ \partial x^{\prime\mu^\prime} }{\partial x^{\mu}} $ can justify the label should be one upper and one lower. But, the approach in Wald's book is based on the geometry aspect of tensor.
A tensor may be defined in more general content, just an element in vector space products. Vector space is something that satisfies a couple of axioms. By this means, how to justify the term in basis transformation has the structure of upper/lower indices? Should I regard basis transformation as a tensor contraction between (1,1) and (1,0) to (1,0) something like that? Or the index positions of transormation matrix are not always strict?