I'm exploring the heat equation to model a particular 1D scenario, and I understood the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, but neither are sufficient for my scenario. Assuming a rod of length L, I want the boundaries to have a particular initial value ($U(0,0) = 400$, $U(L,0) = 300$), but the temperatures at the boundaries do not need to be constant across time ($U(0,0) ≠ U(0,t)$, $U(L,0) \ne U(L,t))$. Heat does flow in and out of the boundary, but only towards the rod, not the air.
Now, my question is, is there any sort of name for this type of boundary condition, where the initial boundary values are known, and are not held constant over time?
I hope the explanation of my scenario was clear. Please drop a comment in case you need clarification on some point.